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Python Notes

Learning Python the hard way (3rd)

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This book call the hard way because it uses a technique called the instruction, where you are told to a sequcence of controlled exercises desinged to build a skill through repetition. For beginners who know nothing but need to acquire before they can understand more complex topics.

The Hard Way is Easier

With the help of the book, you will do the incredibly simple things that all programmers do to learn a programming languages:

  1. Go though each exercies.
  2. Type in each sample exactly.
  3. Make it run.

This book's job it to teach you the three basic skills that a beginning programmer needs to know: reading and writing, attention to detail, and =spotting differences.

Do Not Copy-Paste

You must type each of these exercises in, manually. If you copy and paste, you might as well not even do them. The point of these exercises is to train you hands, your brain, and your mind in how to read, write and see code. If you copy-paste, you are cheating youself out of the effecitveness of the lessons.

Exercise 0: The Setup

Basic setup, nothing new.

Exercise 1: A Good First Program

Type a lot of print statements

Exercise 2: Comments and Pound Characters

The comment sign in Python is #.

Exercise 3: Numbers and Math

Common math operators in Python

+ - * / % < > <= >=

Note that / stands for integer division. Use floating number if need.

Exercise 4: Variables And Names

Use = to create a variable.

Exercise 5: More Variables and Printing

Use % to create string with symbols

name = "Michael"
age = 10
weight = 10
print "My name is %s" % name
print "My age is %d and weight is %d" % (age, weight)

Exercise 6: Strings and Text

String is made by puttting either " double-quotes or ​'​ (single-quote) around text.

Exercise 7: More Printing

print '.' * 10                  # will print 10 dot characters

print "A String",               # The comma would make this two line
                                # as one line output, to avoid a line
                                # logner than 80 characters
print "Another String"

Exercise 8: Printing, Printing

Nothing new

Exercise 9: Printing, Printing, Printing

​"""​ is used to create multiple ilne of strings.

Exercise 10: What Was That?

Escape character like \n, \'​, \".

Exercise 11: Asking Questions

Use raw_input() to ask input from user.

print "How old are you?",
age = raw_input()
print "You are %r old", age

Exercise 12: Prompting People

raw_input() accepts a parameter for prompting.

age = raw_input("how old are you?")
print "you are %r old", age

Exercise 13: Parameters, Unpacking, Variables

from sys import argv
script, first, second, third = argv
print "The script is called:", script
print "Your first variable is:", first
print "Your second variable is:", second
print "Your third variable is:", third

Exercise 14: Prompting and Passing

Nothing new.

Exercise 15: Reading Files

Use open to create a file object, and use the read function of that object to get the content of file.

filename = 'test.txt'
txt = open(filename)

Note that Python will not restrict you from opening a file more than once and sometimes this is necessary.

Exercise 16: Reading and Writing Files

Here is alist of commands that need remember:

  1. close -- Close the file.
  2. read -- Reads the contents of the file. You can assign the result to a variable.
  3. readline -- Reads just one line of a text file.
  4. truncate -- Empties the file. Watch out if you care about the file.
  5. write('stuff') Writes "stuff" to the file.
from sys import argv
script, filename = argv

print "We're going to erase %r." % filename
print "If you don't want that, hit CTRL-C (^C)."
print "If you do want that, hit RETURN."


print "Opening the file..."
target = open(filename, 'w')

print "Truncating the file. Goodbye!"

print "Now I'm going to ask you for three lines."

line1 = raw_input("line1: ")
line2 = raw_input("line2: ")
line3 = raw_input("line3: ")

print "I'm going to write these to the file."


print "And finally, we close it."

Exercise 17: More Files

Learn to how to copy a file. The exists function get by from os.path import exists can determine whether a file exists. The len function returns the number of items in a sequence.

from sys import argv
from os.path import exists

script, from_file, to_file = argv

print "Copying from %s to %s" % (from_file, to_file)

# we could do these two on one line, how?
in_file = open(from_file)
indata =

print "The input file is %d bytes long" % len(indata)

print "Does the output file exist? %r" % exists(to_file)
print "Really, hit RETURN to continue, CTRL-C to abort."

out_file = open(to_file, 'w')

print "Alright, all done."


Exercise 18: Names, Variables, Code, Functions

Learn how to define a function in Python

  1. start with def keyword.
  2. give the function name and arguments inside the parentheses.
  3. Remember to end the first line with ):
  4. Then start indenting and type what you want.

If you want to pack all the arguments inside one variable, use *arg.

# This one is like your scripts with argv
def print_two(*args):
    arg1, arg2 = args
    print "arg1: %r, arg2: %r" % (arg1, arg2)

# ok, that *args is actually pointless, we can just do this
def print_two_again(arg1, arg2):
    print "arg1: %r, arg2: %r" % (arg1, arg2)

# this just takes one argument
def print_one(arg1):
    print "arg1: %r" % arg1

# this one takes no argument
def print_none():
    print "I got nothin'."

print_two("Zed", "Shaw")
print_two_again("Zed", "Shaw")

Exercise 19: Functions and Variables

Just need to know that when you declare a variable inside a function, you can not use it outside the funciton scope.

Exercise 20: Functions and Files

Nothing new.

Exercise 21: Functions Can Return Something

Add return statement at the end of def funciton could return a value. Note that if you return nothing. A NoneType would be returned.

def add(a, b):
    print "ADDING %d + %d" % (a, b)
    return a + b

Exercise 22: What Do You Know So Far?

A Review, nothing new.

Exercise 23: Read Some Code

Find some code on github etc to read, nothing new.

Exercise 24: More Practice

Nothing new.

Exercise 25: Even More Practice

Nothing new.

Exercise 26: Congratulations, Take a Test!

Nothing new.

Exercise 27: Memorizing Logic

Python has the following truth terms:

  1. and
  2. or
  3. not
  4. !=
  5. ==
  6. >=
  7. <=
  8. True
  9. False

Exercise 28: Boolean Practice

Python will return one of the operands to their boolean expression rather than just Ture or False. This means that if you did False and 1, you get the first operand (False) but if you do True and 1, you get the second (1).

Exercise 29: What If

if a < b:
    print "a < b"

Exercise 30: Else and If

if cars > people:
    print "We should take the cars."
elif cars < people:
    print "We should not take the cars."
    print "We can't decide."

Exercise 31: Making Decisions

Nothing new.

Exercise 32: Loops and Lists

Note that range(1,3) will return [1, 2].

the_count = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
fruits = ['apples', 'oranges', 'peers', 'apricots']
change = [1, 'pennies', 2, 'dimes', 3, 'quarters']

# this first kind of for-loop goes through a list
for number in the_count:
    print "This is count %d" % number

# same as above
for fruit in fruits:
    print "A fruit of type: %s" % fruit

# also we can to through mixed lists too
# notice we have to use %r since we don't know what's in it
for i in change:
    print "I got %r" % i

# we can also build lists, first start with an empty one
elements = []

# then use the range function to do 0 to 5 counts
for i in range(0, 6):
    print "Adding %d to the list." % i
    # append is a function that lists understand

# now we can print them out too
for i in elements:
    print "Element was: %d" % i

Exercise 33: While Loops

i = 0
numbers = []

while i < 6:
    print "At the top i is %d" % i

    i = i + 1
    print "Numbers now: ", numbers
    print "At the bottom i is %d" % i

print "The numbers: "
for num in numbers:
    print num

Exercise 34: Accessing Elements of Lists

When accessing the first element in a list, use 0 as index.

animals = ['bear', 'tiger', 'penguin', 'zebra']
bear = animals[0]

Exercise 35: Branches and Functions

Nothing new.

Exercise 36: Designing and Debugging

Nothing new.

Exercise 37: Symbol Review

This page is a good reference for Python symbol.

Exercise 38: Doing Things to Lists

When Python calling a function, it passes the variable as the first argument to the function.

ten_things = "Apples Oranges Crows Telephone Light Sugar"

print "Wait there are not 10 things in that list. Let's fix that."

stuff = ten_things.split(' ')

more_stuff = ["Day", "Night", "Song", "Frisbee", "Corn", "Banana",
              "Girl", "Boy"]

while len(stuff) != 10:
    next_one = more_stuff.pop()
    print "Adding: ", next_one
    print "There are %d items now." % len(stuff)

print "There we go: ", stuff

print "Let's do some things with stuff."

print stuff[1]
print stuff[-1]
print stuff.pop()
print ' '.join(stuff)
print '#'.join(stuff[3:5])

Exercise 39: Dictionaries, Oh Lovely Dictionaries

With dictionaries (hashes in other languages), you can use anyting as index. Besides, we implement a dictionary using list in this exercies.

# create a mapping of state to abbreviation
states = {
    'Oregon': 'OR',
    'Florida': 'FL',
    'California': 'CA',
    'New York': 'NY',
    'Michigan': 'MI'

# create a basic set of states and some cities in them
cities = {
    'CA': 'San Francisco',
    'MI': 'Detroit',
    'FL': 'Jacksonville'

# add some more cities
cities['NY'] = 'New York'
cities['OR'] = 'Portland'

# print out some cities
print '-' * 10
print "NY State has: ", cities['NY']
print "OR State has: ", cities['OR']

# print some states
print '-' * 10
print "Michigan's abbreviation is: ", states['Michigan']
print "Florida's abbreviation is: ", states['Florida']

# do it by using the state then cities dict

print '-' * 10
print "Michigan has: ", cities[states['Michigan']]
print "Florida has: ", cities[states['Florida']]

# print every state abbreviation
print '-' * 10
for state, abbrev in states.items():
    print "%s is abbreviated %s" % (state, abbrev)

# print every city in state
print '-' * 10
for abbrev, city in cities.items():
    print "%s has the city %s" % (abbrev, city)

# now do both at the same time
print '-' * 10
for state, abbrev in states.items():
    print "%s state is abbreviated %s and has city %s" % (
        state, abbrev, cities[abbrev])

print '-' * 10
# safely get a abbreviation by state that might not be there
state = states.get('Texas')

if not state:
    print "Sorry, no Texas"

# get a city with a default value
city = cities.get('TX', 'Does Not Exist')
print "The city for the state 'TX' is: %s" % city

Exercise 40: Modules, Classes, and Objects

A module is just like a dictionary, but with different syntax. A class is like a module, but you can create a lot of instances of them. Creating an object form a class is just like import a module.

Three ways to get things from things:

# dict style

# module style
print mystuff.tangerine

# class style
thing = MyStuff()
print thing.tangerine

In Python class, if you want to access a class member variable (attribute), you must use self, which is different from Java. A First Class Example:

class Song(object):

    def __init__(self, lyrics):
        self.lyrics = lyrics

    def sing_me_a_song(self):
        for line in self.lyrics:
            print line

happy_bday = Song(["Happy birthday to you",
                   "I dont' want to get sued",
                   "So I'll stop right there"])

bulls_on_parade = Song(["They rally around tha family",
                        "With pockets full of shells"])



Exercise 41: Learning To Speak Object Oriented

This exercise give an example code on creating a drill test Use result = sentence[:] to copy a list.

Exercise 42: Is-A, Has-A, Objects, and Classes

Talks about OOP concepts.

There is new-style class and old-style class in Python. Just stick to the new style one.

Exercise 43: Basic Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

A game example on how to design in OOP.

Exercise 44: Inheritance Versus Composition

When you do inheritance, there are three ways that the parent and child classes can interact:

  1. Actions on the child imply an action on the parent.
  2. Actions on the child override an action on the parent.
  3. Actions on the child alter the action on the parent.

Try to avoid inheritance, especially multi-inheritance. Common sense fo OOP. A style guid for python:

Exercise 45: You Make a Game

Some coding style: Use "camel case" fo class names and "underscore format" for other functions.

Exercise 46: A Project Skeleton

How to setup a project skeleton for testing.

Exercise 47: Automated Testing

Exercise 48: Advanced User Input

Test First is a programming tactic where you write an automated test that pretends the code works, then you write the code to make the test actuall work. This method works well when you can't visualize how the code is implemented, but you can imagine how you have to work with it.

What is for?

The file are required to make Python treat the directories as containing packages.

What is for?

Usually we put the setup script inside file. It's the centre of all activity in building, distributing, and installing modules using Distutils.


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